
Technical Info

Wood Flooring Availability Returning Slowly But Surely

Photo by Cameron Venti from Unsplash If you are interested in building your own home or remodeling your current space, you may have some very pertinent questions, such as these: “I picked out my wood floor, so why can’t I get it tomorrow? What kind of wait time should I...
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Flooring Collections Flooring Education

A Chameleon Wood Floor To Go With Many Styles

Garret from The Brick & Board Collection by Real Wood Floors Dark wood flooring has been popular for generations for a very good reason. It matches nearly every setting and is well-suited for both traditional and modern interiors. One of our dark wood flooring options is Garret from the Brick...
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Design & Decor Flooring Education

The Elegance, Functionality, and Romance of Real Wood Flooring

The Baylor University Bears proved the victors in the 2021 NCAA men’s basketball tournament. We mention it because Baylor and Gonzaga played in Indianapolis on a court made of sugar maple hardwood, harvested from the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. If you like to play basketball—or are just interested in a historic...
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Design & Decor Flooring Education Technical Info

The Warmth of Wood in Design and Architecture

Biophilia, the love of natural things, was first coined by psychologist Erich Fromm in the 1960s and later picked up momentum when used by biologist Edward O. Wilson in the late 1970s. From centuries past to present day, designers have created structures that manifest this idea of biophilia into our...
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