We readily admit our bias for wood over other flooring options.

But we are not alone in our bias. According to the most recent survey we could get our hands on, 66 percent of homeowners consider wood the ideal floor for their “dream home.” In the National Wood Flooring Association 2017 survey, 52 percent already had dreamy wood floors in their homes.

We found this detail very heartening, given the quick and easy argument that the upfront cost of wood floor is prohibitive compared to linoleum or carpet. We get that. But we also get that for many consumers, wood floor is preferred because in the long run, they end up paying less for their floor.

Let’s investigate the long run and a few nifty benefits of wood flooring over carpet, linoleum, or tile alternatives.

A custom walnut floor installed in Florida.

Timeless Style

When folks consider their dream home, there is an aesthetic they are after. It’s the long-lasting, classic beauty of wood floors.

Even though carpet has long been a popular choice for homes and offices, you’ve probably heard this scenario before. Someone has purchased an older home and were delighted to find beautiful wood floors beneath the carpet, pad and staples. It’s like they’ve uncovered a forgotten treasure!

Wood flooring has certainly won the marathon in the long-term regarding style.

Elegant, with a touch of class, wood flooring offers myriad choices and looks. From shades of hickory and white oak to birch and maple, these styles enhance the beauty of floors.

From traditional dark oak, light maple and hickory, or contemporary designs, textures and exotic species, wood floors are proven to enhance the style in homes and commercial architecture.

Honest from the Steadfast Collection

Better Air Quality

This concept may sound like a snoozer, but consider this: Wood flooring is an allergen-resistant surface.

It doesn’t trap allergens like dusts, mold, pollens, or pet dander. Wood is much easier to clean than fiber flooring such as carpet or rugs. Even compared to tile, wood is a better option since tile floors have grout lines that can hold debris.

Compared to carpet, the ease of cleaning spills is huge. And consider how much cleaner you can get a wood floor to carpet. It’s no surprise carpets are often referred to as sponges.

This airy trait speaks to those with asthma and those simply interested in better health.

Photo by Jace & Afsoon on Unsplash

Renewable Resource

What? Is wood flooring made with renewable resources?

Yes, trees are cut down, but that’s not the end of the story.

We believe it’s crucial that flooring manufacturers source their lumber with proper harvesting techniques, and not forest clear-cutting. In addition, wherever lumber is harvested, new trees should be planted and grow to meet the future needs of the lumber industry. Engineered products specifically are crafted to use much less slow-growth hardwood, only the top layer, with the base layers comprised of wood harvested from fast-growing wood plantations. It allows us to be better stewards of Earth’s natural resources.

Consider some of the alternatives to wood flooring when it comes to natural resources. The majority of carpets and linoleums are made from synthetic, non-biodegradable materials that are harmful to the environment. These flooring options consist of chemicals while wood is a biodegradable, natural resource.

In contrast with synthetic flooring, a harvested piece of lumber is carbon neutral, with the carbon stored in it, for as long as it remains installed. Timber construction leaves a neutral footprint since it stores the carbon. It ultimately leads to the longevity of the material, and in this case, a wood floor.

Long-Lasting and Cost-Effective

To the touch, a rug or carpet feels warmer than wood—but get ready to crank up that heater—because science tells us, that’s not necessarily the case.

Carpet is an insulator while wood is a conductor. Carpets and rugs stop heat from moving while wood absorbs heat and has a higher thermal mass. As a hard surface, wood flooring allows easier air circulation in the home. Air is able to move freer and with fewer obstacles or less resistance while the carpet slows down air.

So what does all this science talk mean? Choose a wood floor and lower your utility bill. It keeps your home warmer since it allows your heating and air system to work more efficiently.

In addition to cutting utility costs, wood flooring can cut replacement costs, too. Synthetic flooring does not last as long as wood flooring, so they require replacement more often (which also increases waste and carbon footprint). A wood floor can last in a home or office for generations. Think of our example above of homeowners ripping up carpet to reveal a gorgeous, historic floor.

While some opt, because of cost, for a fiber flooring option, those repair or replacement costs can quickly eat up any short-term savings.

Wood flooring is durable and relatively easy to maintain. Because of that, it has the potential to last a long time—decades if not generations. Wood floors can be resanded and refinished, and look brand new with enough effort.

Adds Value to the Home

Wood flooring typically increases the value of a home.

When a builder tries to sell a house, his or her starting price probably includes carpeting or laminate floors while wood flooring is considered an upgrade. When a house is listed for sale, wood flooring is listed as a feature and will likely garner the seller more money and perhaps more quickly.

For home buyers, carpeting is often seen as added maintenance. The previous owners may have been smokers or had pets, so the potential buyers will plan on cleaning the carpet or replacing it, while wood flooring is a more permanent feature of the home.

Get in touch today

Wood flooring may not be for everyone, but even a good number of those who don’t have one today, dream of it for the best home they hope to have someday. We think there are quite a few nifty benefits to having wood floors. If you’d like to learn more about wood floors for your home or office, we’d love to talk with you about it. Contact us today via our website or by phone, 877.215.1831.